I work for a CAD software house and our customers have the last regular license of Sketchup Pro and they have often problems importing DAE files.
I tried with 10 different 3D software (from Blender, FreeCAD, MasterCAD, 3D Studio Max, pCon.Planner, 3DBrowser, FinalMesh, etc…) to read the DAE files generated by our software and we see what we expected. Sketchup only shows a partially plan.
For example, this is the plan in Sketchup and in pCon.Planner:
I’ve been trying to figure out what is different about the elements that import, but then appear as a different object. I imported into Cheetah3D, and the beams look correct.
If I export from Cheetah3D as Collada, SketchUp can’t import the file at all! So, you’re doing better than they are.
Going via STL gets everything.
Anyway, I will keep looking for what is different about the beams that don’t show up.
Only the message with the reduction of the number of polygons appears at import with Universal Importer.
I also imported the DAE file in Meshlab and I have an info message that 198 faces have some problems, but they were solved.
The DAE file contains errors in the ‘triangle’ descriptions.
A triangle is defined by a set of three distinct vertices. For example the three vertices numbered 15, 12, 21 define a triangle. In the failing meshes there are triangles in which (at least) one of the specified vertices is repeated. An example of this is the item called id=“ID227” which contains a triangle defined as 59, 43, 59. I think it’s approximately the sixty fifth triangle in the list.