Dae Export warps parts of model

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if there is a fix for this strange issue I encountered, I’m using Sketchup 2017, when I export in Dae the file seems to warp parts of the model, in this case only parts of the railroad that curves, the straight section of the railroad is fine, what could this be?

How did you create the model of the track?

Please complete your forum profile.

I updated my profile, if possible, let me know if I’m missing something.

I created the curved parts of the track using arcs, but it seems even the rectangular part with the bolts also warped. I uploaded part of the track that’s warped if anyone wants to look at it.

curved.skp (174.9 KB)

I asked for the SketchUp file.

Thanks for updating your profile.

This is the way the file looks when imported into SketchUp. It’s not distorted in the file.

What are you using to view it? It’s probable the problem lies there.

Can you try exporting as Dae? It looks fine in Sketchup, the issue is when you export it.

This was after importing your .dae into SketchUp 2024.

If I import the Dae file into Sketchup it looks fine, but if I try to view the Dae file using 3D viewer, convert the Dae to Fbx, Obj or anything else, they all look warped. Opening the converted file in Unreal also look warped.

My guess would be that you have scaled parts of the model and the export is reflecting that scaling.
If they are components you can use Right click/Scale definition. If they are groups, explode and regroup.

Box is correct. You scaled the group without opening it for editing and this scaled the components without scaling their definitions. I reset the scale for the center component and it ends up distorted.

I’d suggest exploding it all to raw geometry, group it, and then export the .dae.

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You’re right! Resetting the scale fixes this issue, unfortunately that relocates the object to another area, but that’s a minor inconvenience compared to the hours I spent trying to fix this, I’m disappointed I didn’t try the forums first, thank you!

Note neither of us said to use Reset Scale. That undoes all your scaling. Scale definition will adjust the scale of components to the way you have it scaled, without moving anything. With groups, exploding and regrouping will remove the scaling, once again without moving anything.
If your model is made of nested groups and components you need to work on the individual parts not just the overall wrapper. Which is why Dave suggested exploding it all to remove all the individual wrappers.


Exploding the objects might have been faster.

A key thing to remember is that you need to scale the geometry, not the containers (groups/components). If you shoose to scale the container you have to fix the scale of the geometry inside.


You’re both right, ungrouping like you said before then regrouping fixed everything without relocating! I just started using Sketchup after a few years of hiatus and I’m getting familiar with the controls again.