I have SU 2017 on my mac and am unable to generate a cutlist of my project. I’ve tried cut list and cutmap with no luck. The former only lays out cuts on boards and the latter insists I make components of my parts even though they are already components. I just want to lay stuff out so I can print a piece of paper with the parts and dimensions and go cut the pieces in my shop. Why is it so complicated? Is there a way to export to maxcut?
I don’t know about maxcut, never used it. But I use CutList all the time. It will lay out both boards and sheetgoods if you set it up right. Did you assign materials to the sheetgoods parts in the SketchUp Model and make sure the materials names match key strings in CutList’s settings? That’s how it decides a component is sheetgood vs solid vs hardware.
I don’t use the cutting layout feature because it isn’t right for what I do. It doesn’t have any way to account for flaws in solid wood or for grain matching in solid or sheet goods. The sheet goods layout might be ok if you work with basically grainless materials such as MDF.
Like @slbaumgartner, I use Cutlist all the time and it works just fine on both the Mac and PC.
This does imply you aren’t including either a sheet material word in your component names or applying a material that is associated with a sheet material. Do one or the other and the parts will be sorted into the Sheet Materials sections.