Hey all, hows it going?
Ive got a problem.
I’m modeling a 3d building which has 4 layers for it’s walls (outer brick, cavity, inner block plaster).
Each layer is in it’s on group.
I’ve modeled windows, the space they take up has a depth equal to the combined depth of the WALL layers.
The layers in the picture, I need to bring up with push/pull to roughly where the illustrated yellow line is. And I need them to ideally work around the windowframe and continue above it.
I rmmbr a CUT HOLE technique demo’d by Aaron in a youtube demo tut. But in the example he’s aplying it to a flat surface (wall), not a wall made up of 4 layers (each in it’s own group) like I am here.
How would you go about it guys?
I considered drawing single lines along the DEPTH of the area the windowframe takes up, and just push/pulling the surfaces either side of the windowframe. But that would be a bit timely. There’s 14 of these windows and there’s 4 layers. (112 lines to draw!) seems silly.
Had a couple of other methods in my head but they all seem OTT, there might be a proper way of doing this using a special feature of sketchup.
any hints appreciated.