I have just watched a video posted by @JustinTSE about custom snapping. I am pretty sure the video says it was made available from SU 23.1 on. That was the version I was using but I couldn’t see the feature. So I have now installed SU 24 and I still can’t see it. Doing a search within SU doesn’t find it either. Is it cos I is on a Mac??
Justin’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ogOnOBbxvQ
To what are you wanting to add snaps?
The video suggests you can do it for any groups or components. Looks really useful!
You can do it for groups and components but you have to open the group or component for editing in order to add them.
Oh yes, that does work in SU 24. Should it also work in SU 23?
It should work in 23.1, too.
Dave, you are of course right! Opening the Group/Component is the clue.
Not sure how I missed this new feature as it is potentially so useful. Thank goodness for @JustinTSE is all I can say!
@simoncbevans - Lol - glad I could help
Honestly I’ve probably not utilized this as much as I should either, hence the video. Very cool feature!
They did a Friday livestream to demonstrate this feature when it came out. Yeah, pretty nifty, and someday I’ll get around to trying it too.
Snaps are cool but not particularly useful for most of my modeling so I haven’t used them a lot.
Until they work inside complex components, they are useless to me.
out of curiosity, what do you call a complex component ?
I have components that have components nested within them and are able to be stretched at both ends. If I place a snap at the end of the component and then stretch it the snap does not follow the stretch. In other words, there is no way to add position parameters to the snap points, which make them unusable to me.