Hey Sketchup community! Has anyone experienced problems when using Curic plugins and having there model crash? I use around 50 plugins or more and the only plugins that have constantly made my sketchup model crash are the Skalp plugins and Curic plugins @curic4su
I have tried messaging Curic about this problem but it is quite often I hear from him sometimes with a great response and often the other times I don’t hear anything at all from him. I wish there was better customer service from the people who make there plugins for Sketchup…
Anyone have any advice or thoughts on Curic plugins making there models crash and why that happens?
Are you still having problems. I am also having major issues with SketchUp quitting while I use Curics trowel tool and navigate with the space mouse at the same time. If I navigate by using the standard mouse scroll wheel then no problem. If I navigate with space mouse without using Curics tools then no problem. However if I navigate using the space mouse and have Curics Trowel tool open then I quite often will have SketchUp close without warning, no bug splat. This is super annoying, it made even more frustrating because it is not consistent. I might get 5 crashes in a row then be good for a couple of hours…
Can anyone shed some light on the issue.
Well it would be great to hear from @curic4su@voquochai on this issue? I’ve been trying to ask curic for years now but there is no response. I don’t understand, people buy his products, he sells his products for money, yet will not respond… I think when you sell something for $, that basic customer service comes with that…
I have a standard mouse (Logitech Vertical) and i do get crashes when I use Curic’s DIO - SketchUp closes with no bugsplat.
Like you it’s not consistent and I could go for hours or days with no crash and then on one particular aspect of a model SketchUp might crash several times.
And that’s actually it I think - my sense is that DIO (for me) only crashes when I am trying to model solids that can be more complex, e.g. a loft conversion or when my solids modelling is a bit sloppy.
If I’m modelling simple solids or modelling more thoughtfully then I don’t get any crashes.
I can imagine it’s like DIO is crunching away at the maths and what I’ve done creates an illegal maths operation and bam!
If you haven’t already, you could log the kind of modelling you doing the moment DIO crashes to see if there is a pattern.
For me, when I get a run of crashes, the value of DIO and what it enables me to do, far outweighs the crashing.
Having heard your experience before a few times Paul, and you hearing my side of it too on the forum about this. I will say more specifically about my issue: I experience the crashing in almost any model I’m using if I use the tools in the wrong way, I can almost make it happen at will if I wanted, almost… One thing I noticed some time ago, is that if I make the model crash and than I open that model again without restarting the computer, I can actually go most of the day or a long period of time anyways without crashing again, almost like I have to get the first crash or two out of the way and than it will work for awhile… Strange. Does it happen to you where when you model with these plugins for the first time in a session (a session being when your computer has rebooted) that you get the crash and than after that it goes away? Just curious if we have similarities there…
Oh yea no, I didn’t mean to say using the tool in the wrong way, it was a figure of speech. I use curics tools and when I use the trowel/dio and stretch tools, my sketchup crashes often. I can make sketchup crash almost deliberately if I were to use certain tools of curics like the trowel and stretch tools. I still use the stretch tool a lot becuase in some scenarios it’s a HUGE time saver. It would be nice if curic had a shred of customer service though and could answer to some of these issues I’ve been asking about for YEARS. It’s actually ridiculous that the guy charges money for his plugins yet he can’t answer to his customers. I’ve seen a handful of people give the same complaints. This has been happening to me since I started using his trowel/dio plugin or the stretch plugin, even the chalk line tool too I think, since years ago…
I don’t want a revisit of the recent issue of Curic vs SketchPlus but the issue was with a new extension that Curic released just after the release of SketchPlus.
As far as I know there have been no recent updates of Curic’s DIO, Stretch, etc. that would conflict with SketchPlus in the same way as Curic’s new extension did.
That’s not to say that the code of some of Curic’s extensions is definitely not conflicting with the code of other extensions. But that could be said of other plugins…
Yes, that’s mainly what I’ve been thinking for all these YEARS unfortunately, and asked @curic4su@voquochai about this years ago and still no response on it. Thanks for chiming in on this thread curic. Much appreciated…
As I’ve said, for me, I think it’s down to complexities in the model that shouldn’t be there, i.e. sloppy modelling.
I’m currently working on a model where I imported a DWG as a base to build the model - big mistake.
Instead of starting over I persisted thinking that I could edit my way out of the problems.
So today on this particular model I am getting numerous crashes using the DIO trowel tool and what I’m finding is that there are weird problems all over in the model - non coplanar faces that appear coplanar, soften edges everywhere, multiple selected dashed line that radiate from various points.
Reverting to the native push/pull tool helps but even that can’t cope with some of geometry.
In my case I don’t believe it to be a problem with DIO, it’s a problem with my buggy modelling.
I’m certain that if I had modelled properly and used the DWG for reference only I would not be frustrated right now.
Hmmmm… Well I really appreciate you taking the time to look and than give feedback here on this… Yea so the only time I import a DWG is for my site terrain. The contours I generate the site from are clean… I will even experience these crashes when simply just making construction details. My modelling is very organized and no messes in general, in my personal experience… I don’t know… Good info though.
Hey team,
Its great to be getting some more people on the thread. I was nearly ready to buy a new computer…From my layman point of view the problem must be with Curics code, I disabled all of my other plugins and the problem still persists, I disbled Curics plugins and the problem disappeared.
I reintroduced Curric studio and the problem is back when I use the ‘trowel’ tool and ‘Extend to face’ tool. Like tucker my crashes mainly occur when I first open Sketchup. but will happen on the most simplest of models.
I am fed up with these issues and due to Curics complete lack of customer service I have uninstalled all of his plugins. I am using ‘deep select’ by Sketchplus and ‘align face’ by Eniroth, the combination of these 2 is a good alternative to Curics trowel. And no crashes…