Hi everyone! I have got some issue with opening .skp file from Layout 2025 when I am trying click “Open with SketchUP”. I have got the message:“Failed to open C:\Users\aakra\OneDrive???? ???\MURAVA\DOING\121.skp” and only one option - click “OK”.After that .skp file is crush. What I did wrong, can enybody explain me?
just upload ur file and wait colin help you
Looks like you are trying to open a file from OneDrive. Download the file to a folder on the internal drive and then try opening it. DO not work on files saved directly to the cloud.
The same way i do using Layout 2024 is working smoothly.
Still not a good idea. If the access time is too long the file won’t open. Working directly on cloud-saved files has proven to be hugely problematic for many users. It has resulted in corrupted, unrecoverable files.
M.layout (524.2 KB)
Try to open using “Open with SketchUp”
I did. This is what I see.
I’m a bit puzzled as to why you’ve drawn three view of this table in 2D instead of creating a 3D model of it.
Maybe i have technical issue, because anything i did it is all the same problem with opening file. p.s Yes I have 3d model of this stand, but I’m using Make2D plugin by Curic when I make drawing in layout because rounded shape of stand makes some problem when you using dimension tool in layout. Besides I have the project of a lot of units furniture colected in one file. It woold be a problem when your layout file include 50+ unit of furniture with texture and geometry.
It shouldn’t do that.
Well, as long as you don’t have to make edits, I guess. Seems like a lot more work to me but it’s your work and you can work it the way you want.