I think I’ve finally been bested by the complicated geometry and the limitations of SketchUp or perhaps my ability to model within SketchUp.
Notice the raised panel shutters for an arched windows shown below:
To create the raised panel effect I will draw the three outlines and then use the transform_entities method to move the edges into the plane. The problem is when I try this with a curved outline(s) as shown SketchUp does not know how to handle the curved planes/surfaces being created.
View model here:
The only other way I can think of for creating this geometry is to use the follow me method and then doing a boolean subtraction, which I have not tried yet.
My code is:
def raised_panel_shutter_arc (x1, x2, z1, z2, startangle, center_pt2, y0, paneledge, depth, entities1)
i1 = 0.625
i2 = 1.625
normal1 = Geom::Vector3d.new 0,-1,0
xaxis1 = Geom::Vector3d.new 1,0,0
rout = (x2 - x1) + paneledge
rmid = (x2 - x1) + paneledge - i1
rin = (x2 - x1) + paneledge - i2
# Outer Face
psi1 = asin(paneledge/rout)
edgemod1 = paneledge/(tan(psi1))
startangleout = startangle - psi1
endangleout = psi1
x2mod1 = @Wshttx1 + edgemod1
z2mod1 = @pt1ym + edgemod1
edgearray1 = entities1.add_arc center_pt2, xaxis1, normal1, rout, startangleout, endangleout, 12
edge1 = edgearray1[0]
arccurve1 = edge1.curve
line1 = entities1.add_line [x1, y0, z1] , [x1, y0, z2mod1]
line2 = entities1.add_line [x2mod1, y0, z1] , [x1, y0, z1]
halfround_path1 = line1.all_connected
outer_face = entities1.add_face(halfround_path1)
# Mid Face
psi2 = asin((paneledge+i1)/rmid)
edgemod2 = (paneledge+i1)/(tan(psi2))
startanglemid = startangle - psi2
endanglemid = psi2
x2mod2 = @Wshttx1 + edgemod2
z2mod2 = @pt1ym + edgemod2
x1mod2 = x1 + i1
z1mod2 = z1 + i1
edgearray2 = entities1.add_arc center_pt2, xaxis1, normal1, rmid, startanglemid, endanglemid, 12
edge2 = edgearray2[0]
arccurve2 = edge2.curve
line3 = entities1.add_line [x1mod2, y0, z1mod2] , [x1mod2, y0, z2mod2]
line4 = entities1.add_line [x2mod2, y0, z1mod2] , [x1mod2, y0, z1mod2]
halfround_path2 = line3.all_connected
mid_face = entities1.add_face(halfround_path2)
# Inner Face
psi3 = asin((paneledge+i2)/rin)
edgemod3 = (paneledge+i2)/(tan(psi3))
startanglein = startangle - psi3
endanglein = psi3
x2mod3 = @Wshttx1 + edgemod3
z2mod3 = @pt1ym + edgemod3
x1mod3 = x1 + i2
z1mod3 = z1 + i2
edgearray3 = entities1.add_arc center_pt2, xaxis1, normal1, rin, startanglein, endanglein, 12
edge3 = edgearray3[0]
arccurve3 = edge3.curve
line5 = entities1.add_line [x1mod3, y0, z1mod3] , [x1mod3, y0, z2mod3]
line6 = entities1.add_line [x2mod3, y0, z1mod3] , [x1mod3, y0, z1mod3]
halfround_path3 = line5.all_connected
inner_face = entities1.add_face(halfround_path3)
line7 = entities1.add_line [x1, y0, z1] , [x1mod2, y0, z1mod2]
line7b = entities1.add_line [x1mod2, y0, z1mod2] , [x1mod3, y0, z1mod3]
line8 = entities1.add_line [x1, y0, z2mod1] , [x1mod2, y0, z2mod2]
line9 = entities1.add_line [x1mod2, y0, z2mod2] , [x1mod3, y0, z2mod3]
line10 = entities1.add_line [x2mod1, y0, z1] , [x2mod2, y0, z1mod2]
line11 = entities1.add_line [x2mod2, y0, z1mod2] , [x2mod3, y0, z1mod3]
lineslist = [line3, line4, edge2]
trans = Geom::Transformation.new([0,-depth,0])
entities1.transform_entities(trans, lineslist)