Creating A Wavy Wall

Hi, I’m trying to model a greek inspired vacation house and wonder if someone can teach me how to make a wavy / imperfect wall like this one:

Please also refer to this link (
for the details of the photo above. Hope someone can make a tutorial on this one using sketchup.

Best regards,

With JHS POWERBAR 2020.1 and Random Tools extensions


@mihai.s Thanks for the quick and precise response. I will try this one. Been looking for this in awhile.

Best regards

Are you planning on rendering the model later? If so, a bump or normal map may be a better way to go to keep your model’s polygon count down. See bump map using a noise texture example:



You’re welcome!
And since a Greek house looks good with a bougainvillea, you can create a custom one in SketchUp.

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Another possibility is to use the Sandbox Tools.

Create an horizontal rectangular face with the From Scratch tool, then deform it as you want with the Smoove Tool, the Flip Edge Tool.

You can also use the Move Tool on certain endpoints and/or edges and/or faces to add more deformations.

When done, rotate it by 90° to have it vertical and then add it to an open box acting as an open wall.

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Looks to me like a bump texture.

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Hi, Thanks for your great solution. I would like to ask where i can get the texture? Im using twinmotion instead of vray…

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Try this - Noise Maker