Crash Layout

I recently used the trial version of sketchup 2020 and therefore of Layout.
I saved an existing layout file in 2019, in 2020 … and since then I re-edit the file in 2019, this last crash systematically. I am forced to buy the version of skecthup 2020 … I would like to avoid.
Could you help me

Hello, Attach (through wetransfer / equivalent) or pm your layout file to me, i’ll save it back to 2019 version for you, if you want

I can save in version 2019, it is after to reopen it in version 2019 that it crashes

ah, I see ! did you try to save as an even older version ?

Yes. 2018…im going to try to Layout3

thats crashed too…:frowning:

can you send the file anyway ? (I have sketchup pro 2018 and 2021 on this machine, I’ll be able to try out)

Of course…Thank u for help. But the upload crashed too ;()()()(