Corrupted Sketch up with vray

Hi i have a problem and have no idea how to fix it. Not too long ago i worked on my sketch up file and my trail ended so i had to continue it. I also dowloaded a new version of vray. However whenever i open the file and try using vray it imediatly crashes down both programs saying the there is a NeUI error. Appearantly vray works on other files but not the one i need it to work on. I’m thinking it could be a corrupted file however i have no idea how to fix it. Please help.

What do you mean? Did you buy a subscription to SketchUp? Did you get SketchUp 2024? Did you get the latest version of Vray and its license?

It would help if you share the .skp file.

both sketch up and vray are latest models since i’ve downloaded the 2024ones. the file is too big to be shared. unless you’d be okay to take a look if i shared by email.

Upload the file to Dropbox or We transfer and share the link.

Please correct your forum profile, too. The Free Plan is a web based version. You must be using SketchUp Studio if you got it with Vray. Or are you using a cracked version?

link to we transfer. WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free
I learned it could be actually a virus. So an expert is needed cause this file must be saved at all cost.
What is vrayneui.exe ? vrayneui.exe info the problem is V-ray NeUI

Sorry. If it’s a virus then I won’t open your file.

Where did you get SketchUp 2024 and Vray? Are you using cracked versions? How would you have picked up a virus?

Not cracked, just trails

Again, from where?

this morning i dowloaded new trail of sketch up and v-ray. the vray i needed to uninstall got possibly the virus since while trying to uninstall it showed that i needed to close the vray - however besides the one that i wanted to uninstall no other vray apps were opened. i had to restart my pc and end up dowloading few vray files in chaos site.

since none of them opened up

At this point I think the smart thing would be to take your computer to a shop and have them go over it to clean up anything that doesn’t belong there before it does anymore damage.

I Restored some file content from previous saves and they seem to work with vray fine. so i guess i’ll just have to delete the corrupted file somewhat