I am working on a basic conceptual hotel design (and I could swear I have done this before in earlier versions - this may just be a bug), but I am trying to copy multiple selected instances of a components (in this case windows) from one floor to another. This component has the Glue To setting of Vertical faces and when I copy one component at a time along the blue axis, sketchup has no problem instancing the component onto the “next floors” face and cutting the opening.
I am not clear on why it doesn’t work with multiple selections. I am an experienced sketchup user and I have worked with the program for years, but I have as of late been trying to clean up my modeling techniques and be an efficient user at the same time.
In the past, if I wanted to array a series of windows up a few floors, I would just copy the components along with physical cuts in each face by creating rectangles around the component (the window) and then deleting the middle. That technique works fine, however its not efficient and creates a bigger model with more geometry that’s harder to render.
I have also used intersect with… in various cases in the past, but again, it has a tendency to create additional geometry that isn’t necessary and often I have to go back through and delete the extra lines.
Basically, my question is: Is it possible in Sketchup Pro 2015 to copy multiple components and have it cut openings with each set of instances? If its not a feature, I believe it would be a very useful addition to the base program. I could also be doing something wrong, but I have tried a dozen things and since doing one at a time achieves the desired results, I am inclined to think its a limitation or a bug? I have uploaded an example model available at the link below, I am able to reproduce with a very simple cube and one translucent component with as little as two selected instances. I am running Windows 7 x64 with Sketchup Pro 2015 x64.
Link: ExampleModel.skp