My question has surely been answered before . But I cant find the answer searching through the older post .
Can someone please point me toward the best method to convert and use copied .dwg models in Sketchup. I have tried clowing them up 100% and cleaning with the Thom Thom Clean up extension . yet they are still too heavy to use . Attached is one of several components I am attemting to use as an example .
Im using several ( 6 or more ) these valves, along with a couple other .dwg converted components that are likely more complex. I am using them for the purpose of illustrating a Pool Filter Equiipment installation ( see attached Pdf from Layout ).
The file size after my attempted clean ups still easily / greatly exceeds the capability of my computer nearing 600,000 KB . All this also exceeds my understanding of system limits lol. I just know its 6 x greater than the typical project that I work with . I am using SU 2024. Thank you
This file is typical of something made from a model created for manufacturing documents. There’s a lot of interior detail that would never be seen in the sort of documents you are creating. If it was my project I might import the thing to use as a reference but then I would create my own much simpler model of the valve and then delete the original and purge the unused components from the model. I expect you could make a suitable model of the valve component that is less than 1 Mb.
Please update your forum profile. It says you are using 2021.
I appreciate the the sound advice. It occurred to me I could have duplicated the various components in my diagram within the time I have spent watching the beach ball rotate while my system is frozen .
Of course these challenges often present opportunity to learn. I will redraw all these items. Thank you for telling me its the most practical way Thank you for helping me along.