here’s my model, do you have any ideas about this problem that I mentioned above? When I right-click on this sphere’s surface, option “texture” isn’t there.
here’s my model, do you have any ideas about this problem that I mentioned above? When I right-click on this sphere’s surface, option “texture” isn’t there.
You only get the ‘texture’ option when you select only one face.
Because the sphere is composed of several smaller surfaces. Select only one of them.
And is there a way to apply texture on this sphere “as a whole” thing and not face by face? I already tried using texture as “projected” and with Fredo Tools Extension too. In both cases, there is a kind of contraction in the texture, but I would like to get this that the pattern goes on the sphere without any breaking or pulling. As if I were going to take a simple picture and folding it to a sphere form.
Sorry for my bad english and many tiny questions, I’m using Sketchup a few months ago and I really love it but don’t have any help whom I can ask when I get stuck with a new problem. I have already done a SketchUp course and read a lot on the subject but there are many things that do not have the answer in online courses. So thank you in advance for help!
UV map
sfera-uv.skp (589.0 KB)
The solution was SketchUV, and using “box map” method on the sphere. I’m so glad now that I finally got it!
Thank you once more for your time!
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