Cones from cans

I recently uploaded Curve Maker and now for some reason I cannot grab the top edge of a tube “or can shape” and drag it towards the center to create a cone. Any ideas? Are the two associated or have I got something wrong

Let’s see your SketchUp file so we have some hope of getting the right answer for you.

It’s unlikely that the two are related. There’s no reason for Curve Maker to prevent other tools from working.

As Dave says, the model would be useful for a diagnosis.
In the meantime, has the edge been exploded? Which is why you may not be able to select it in one go. You could marquee select and then use the scale tool with the ctrl key to shrink about its center. or dbl click to select the face/edge. I would concur that curve maker is unrelated.


Thank you both. Here is the file: Cannot grab top circle and create cone

cylinderToCone.skp (102.4 KB)

Works for me.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. The only difference between what you are doing and what I am doing is that I’m selecting the circle first then trying to grab it. Problem solved. Cheers both

This mini video you show, is this part of sketchUp or do you have a stand alone program for it.

If you look at white rabbit’s you will see his has a watermark at the end.

Thanks again!

Would you believe it. I downloaded Gif recorder but I only get Gif screen recorder on my app list. I checked back with white Rabbit’s post and the watermark has gone. So is Gif Recorder the same as Gif screen recorder and if it is why can I not get help from the download web site. It says web site is not secure. I need this because all I get when I record is a black screen with a cursor moving. I click on Gif recorder help index and get nothing because the website is not secure so I do not know how to get rid of black screen. Why do these thing just never open and work? Help!!

The watermark is still there, at the end as I mentioned. I don’t use that gif recorder so I would ask @whiterabbitdesigncompany about it.
There are other screen recorders that save to gif, licecap and screenpresso are two that spring to mind. There are web based ones but I don’t know any names off the top of my head.
I won’t recommend the specific one I use as it is very buggy.
You can google screen recorders and find one that you like.

Would you believe it. I downloaded Gif recorder but I only get Gif screen recorder on my app list. I checked back with white Rabbit’s post and the watermark has gone. So is Gif Recorder the same as Gif screen recorder and if it is why can I not get help from the download web site. It says web site is not secure. I need this because all I get when I record is a black screen with a cursor moving. I click on Gif recorder help index and get nothing because the website is not secure so I do not know how to get rid of black screen. Why do these thing just never open and work? Help!!

I think I posted a reply again by mistake. I’m sending it to White Rabbit Now. Apologies!

The watermark is still there, it appears at the end of the gif like an end credit !

this is the link for the download

I dont think it will appear in your app list, I have navigated to the .exe file and pinned it to my task bar for easy access.

As mentioned, there are a number of other gif recording options out there and like most software I think you have to try a few to see its ease of use and what suits your workflow.

Thank you Steve

That’s better


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