Complex Shapes that come together to create a object

Shapes that What I refer to as complex. Shapes such as a toilet or a urinal that make up a object. Is this a plugin? Would like some examples if any. Thanks John

Do a search in the 3d warehouse or manufacture of such items on the internet will some times have models of such items. They are usually high poly models.

Thanks, but what I’m looking to do is to learn to draw these myself to further my abilities

What I did some time ago is download a toilet from the warehouse. Explored the component parts to see how they were made then went to work duplicating them. When I was finally done, I had my own toilet. This will work with most models from the warehouse, but after awhile I gave up since I could get the models already complete. I turned my attention to drawing other items. Just a thought.

Thanks Pault I had done so but not looking at the components. The urinal from Kohler that I downloaded seemed to have no lines ? I was wondering if there was a plugin for this.

The Edges (lines) are Soft/Smooth.
You need to turn on Hidden Geometry to see/work with them.

In the top menus, Click … View > Hidden Geometry

The models from the ware house especially one cited are very organic, high poly and have many model issues requiring major clean up before one should even consider using them. IMHO using those as a learning source is questionable.
You have the tutorials cats in this form, many good ones on youtube. I would spend a little more time searching on the net vs. fighting with a toilet model.
A example Help Group Discussion | 3D Warehouse