I am a newbie in SketchUp Pro 2020 and I try to create 3D solid object from 2D CAD drawings. This object has complex surfaces and geometries and I have so many troubles with that one. I use a point cloud and 2D drawings aligned togehter as a template for creating 3D model. The image of point cloud of the object is below:
You are trying to do what is commonly referred to as “reverse engineering” a part, and it is, unfortunately, a complex way to work in any CAD system. Methods vary, but in SketchUp what you need to do is to identify the major geometric forms in this part and model them one at a time. Do you have access to the physical part as well as the drawings and point cloud?
I have access only to data (not physical part). Basicly I created the top surface this object but I have no idea how to make a solid below. I insert a rectangle containing this outline inside but this geometry is not taken into account as the clipping path (to pull sides). How to make a outline correctly to create it as a solid object?
You have the default tag set to Powierzchnia - what does that mean? I guess it’s in Polish. Seems to mean ‘Surface’.
You should always leave the pencil showing the default tag set at Untagged (Layer0 in older versions of SU).
There’s a lot of stray loose geometry in the model, some distance from the origin, and not apparently part of your model. I’ve deleted it.
Some geometry only shows when I double click on the group that contains it - not sure why. Turning on View Hidden Geometry and View Hidden Objects doesn’t on its own make it visible, nor does turning on all the tags.
I moved the visible geometry to the origin. It’s left behind what I think is an outline of the faces you’ve created showing as C-points and looking like this: