Complex Dynamic Kitchen Component


I’m quite new to sketchup dynamic components, Ive built two kitchen cabinets but on the back the components have a set back which im trying it hard to set it to stay the same size changing sizes of the boxes.
Kitchen Blocks.skp (1.3 MB)

The changing sizes is done by scaling so, the whole of each component will get scaled including the set backs.

A way to keep items from scaling is to split them into their own components. Then you can give these “set back” components attributes to keep them to a size but have their positioning set by the scaled size of other components.

So, for example, your front “set back” component could take it’s position from the depth of the side of the cabinet, minus the "set back’’ depth. And the back “set back” component would always have its position as zero.

When you initially make these separate components they will have ugly edges showing but you can selectively hide whatever edges you want.

Also, depending what this Dynamic Component is going to be used for you might be better off ignoring these details:

Você pode usar também as ferramentas de recortes nativas no SU. Na hora de criar o componente de recorte vc aplica o eixo a “Qualquer” e estabelece os eixos x e y igual a face que deseja cortar. é trabalhoso mais se faz somente uma vez. Olha uma exemplo do que pode ser feito.

Note que nessa abordagem as texturas não terão separações ficando somente uma unica face, o grande trabalho é que teria que criar diversos componentes de recorte. Mais dependendo do seu objetivo voce sabera qual melhor caminho a seguir.

Olha como fazer.


Hello dear friend, I need exactly this component. Can you explain more how you made this? I searched a lot for a solution but I couldn’t find anything. This is the first time I’ve seen someone do this.

A bit of googling Dynamic Components finds these links:

basic concept is to create two opposite DC holes on either surface of board and then move to edge. The edges then hidden and outline with DC shapes. The holes can be components, as OCL reads visible objects that have surface and 3D, not 2D outlines. If the shape / cutter is still seen then a group would work

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