I am a current, private, SUpro user and have a question about how my company can go about purchasing two seats, and assigning them to two users (myself being one of them). The work I’ve been doing in Sketchup & Vray, has been done with my own personal licenses and my boss wants me to start using a license from the company. We have another user I need to train who will then use the other seat. I was asked to get information on how my boss can buy two seats of Sketchup & Vray, then “assign” each seat to each user, with him being the admin.
Create a new account and use your and your collogues work email addresses. Use the company credit card to pay for the subscriptions.
So, my boss would have to create the initial account, in order to place the order for the licenses, so the other users have their own accounts and my boss can link them?
If you have company email addresses create two new users (you and your collegue) use the company name and have your boss pay the fee.
HI. We’re trying to do the same thing. We have added the additional user(s) in our Trimble account. However when we go to purchase an additional license the message we get is “This account already has a subscription” and we cannot proceed with the purchase.
The first subscription is already assigned to another user. So I would like to know how to add another subscription (which I then assume gets assigned to the new user via our Trimble admin account?)
EDIT - OK, so one has to go to “Edit Plan” then click on “Manage Seats” on the plan and add +1 (or 2 or qty). Then it sends you to cart to make payment. All the above in this thread is also valid, prior to “Edit Plan”.