Multi Users per account

How many users can be used for one subscription for Sketchup Pro.

Only one. You can get multi-seat subscriptions for more than one user.

How can I get the annual subscription fees for 3 users.

Contact Customer Support and ask them. Keep in mind it is Sunday where they are located. When they get to work on Monday I’m sure they will be able to help you.

Thank you for your help Dave

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Check this site:

‘Subscription’ licenses fall under these general terms:

Trimble General Product Terms | SketchUp_ga_MZ5SBB54Y6MTY5MzE0MzY1NS42LjEuMTY5MzE0NDg0MC4xOS4wLjA.

Were it states that each (company) user needs to be authorized by an admin for the (remaining) period of the plan and can only be revoked when that user leaves the company or when it’s “ expressly permitted under the applicable Order”