Quite frankly: is it legal?
I’ve been working on a game project using Sketchup Make. The actual 3D models aren’t going to be used in the game, just screenshots of them as backgrounds. In order for us to sell the game, would we need a Pro license?
You should probably consult a lawyer but since SketchUp is being used to create the models of which the screenshots are made, I believe you would need to have the Pro version.
Sound like a license is needed…
Funny, every time someone feels a need to ask if their commercial aspirations warrants getting a SU Pro license, odds are their gut feeling is correct (that it’s yes). Apply reason person standards - how would a reasonable person view using SU as a tool to produce something to be used in a commercial product?
And just to be clear, the screen appearance of your model (and hence a capture of the screen image) is, almost certainly, “…output of the Software or the Services.”
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. This is one reasonable person’s interpretation, not legal advice.
Hello all
I’m an illustrator, I love mashing the excellent models in the warehouse.
The output of my work may be for commercial purposes, but I’m using the models I make as reference for my artwork. Furthermore, what about the models creators? I’ve reached out but no response yet…
Buying the license is inevitable and I guess I should read the terms, but if anyone has any thoughts I’d like to hear them.
I think you’ve answered your own question.
Yes. You should.
The creators of the models on the 3d warehouse complied with its Terms by uploading it. Credits for their components are displayed in Window->Model Info->credits ( if you just leave them as components) in your model. If you use it for some other output then SketchUp models ( eg rendering , 2 D output etc) this info would be lost , but you can always share a link to the original model.
thank you both