September 4, 2023, 12:08pm
Good morning,
Can’t figure out why the colours in my model are not showing up in the paint bucket? I have the right style chosen, I have clicked on the brick and selected home in the paint bucket tool… Here’s a snapshot.
Jeez, the forum don’t want me to go take a nap.
Try this
The fix that will come out in an update should prevent the double entry and empty in model issue from happening. But, for now you can do something to solve the problem after it has happened.
In Finder, Go menu, Go to Folder… paste in this path:
In that folder, delete any .clr files. You’re likely to recognize some of the names!
Reopen SketchUp and see if your language is the only in model entry, and that it has materials in it.
Got the issue in ventura / 23 early this year, but apparently it existed in 22 already.
September 4, 2023, 12:29pm
Thank you, I’ll check it out. time for your