Color Palette - User Palette does not save colors

Dragging colors or materials for the color wells to the lower user palette is not working for me in 2015 Pro. The colors are not saved and some of the squares are filled with gray. Important functionality is gone. Help!

Macbook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 / 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 / AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB / OSX v10.10.5

It doesn’t work for any version of SU on Yosemite for me…

but it still works for ‘’ and ‘’ and these show up in SU…

@Barry, where does SU try to write the saved colors swatches, or was it ‘turned off’?


It works for me on El Capitan, IIRC in the same manner as previous versions. On Yosemite, they’re stored in
~/Library/Colors/NSColorPanelSwatches.plist. The color panel was not built to save images that we use for materials, and 8 or 9 years ago, we’d crash other apps if you saved materials to the color panel swatches. :frowning: I’ll reboot back in Yosemite and confirm.

Yup, checked 2013 & 2015 on Yosemite, same thing. This is the way it’s always worked, well, since we fixed the “crash other Apple applications” back in SketchUp 5 & 6 days.

@Barry, I had found them in the interim and also a renamed c2013 one, that had some SU materials [images] in it…

I switched it in and they all come up as grey squares [possibly what the OP is seeing]…

I trashed both plists, and only NSColors from the Apple dropdown seems to ‘stick’…

does ‘Named Colors’ work for you?


Anything that’s a color works. Anything that’s a material, ie a repeated image, will not be saved.

Thanks for the sleuthing John and Barry. So, it sounds like I’m out of luck for the time being. Meaning, until I upgrade to El Capitan. I’m aware there are other posts around El Capitan and Layout issues, but it sounds like Layout is on the fritz still? Will have to wait for SU 2016 to upgrade my OS it seems.
