Closing a Shape of Compound Angles

Having a difficult time trying to close up a shape of compound angles. The last face refuses to except my feeble attempts to close. Any suggestions?

Share the .skp file with us so we can see what your issue is.

Alright Dave… you got me. I don’t know how to share or send files yet. I don’t interact too often with others. Ever actually.
I’m looking for options inside SU, but I am totally unfamiliar with sharing. I do appreciate your responding.


Assuming you’re using SketchUp Free (Web), click on the “hamburger menu”, the three horizontal lines at the very top left of the SketchUp window. Click on Download and download the file to your computer. Then drag and drop the file into a reply to this thread.

Did I figure it out correctly?

Particularly given compound angles, there is a good chance corners are not coplanar. But as Dave noted, we’d need to see the file to confirm that.

No. Probably because you are emailing. Go to the forum itself.

Got it, thanks!

Compound Angles.skp (193.5 KB)

I tried Push/Pull in different directions. Tried manual construction. This last attempt was me trying a rectangle against the open face. Hoping to use stickiness to my advantage. Excruciatingly close observation will show that the model and the rectangle do not share the entire plane equally. My first attempt showed a small gap on one side. The angle is 7 degrees. Every where.
Now there is a corner of the top mortise that just doesn’t match perfectly.
My next attempt would be to construct positive “bucks”, and build around them.

In order to get a surface across the end you need to create some triangles. This is because the bounding edges do not lie on the same plane.

Here I’ve extended the thing a bit and draw a rectangle that crosses through it at the desired 7°.

I selected all of the geometry, right clicked and choose Intersect Faces>With Selection. Then I erased the waste end and the unneeded part of the rectangle to leave a single face on the end. The other end needs similar treatment.

What is this thing supposed to be?

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It is the bottom piece for a tapered planter, knock down construction. I’m doing wood projects. January has been a month of compound angles for every project. How about you?

Thanks for the tip. I tried triangulating earlier, but it just didnt seem like the right solution.

Somehow, in the process of beveling the end, you managed to twist the bottom edge out of square while the top edge remained square. So, as @DaveR pointed out, the end edges are not coplanar and can’t make a single face.

The first screenshot is looking up at the bottom, where you can see the non-right angles.

The second one is looking down at the top. The squares there are how the angular dimension tool marks a right angle.

It wouldn’t be the right solution unless you’re going to cut it by hand with a dull hacksaw blade.

Here’s a quick fix, just move one vertex a tiny bit.

tiny move

Needing to triangulate means the ends aren’t flat, which also means you won’t be able to saw them or fit them up against another flat surface. I suggest you rethink and retry your attempt at doing the compound bevel.

Compound Angles.skp (193.5 KB)

I tried moving that corner. I was on the other side. So I got the ends in. Now I’m going to practice stretching it back to dimension. Thanks again. Feel like I got a Two’fer…Learning how to share!

Do you have any sort of picture of the planter you are working on? Or something similar? I expect there’s an easier way to get what you are after.

There are many similar products in the way of planters. They can be built (with a little extra thought) without fasteners. I’m just applying the log cabin form of interlocking corners. Mortise on mortise? So the bottom piece has the extra duty of holding the bottom stretchers in.
I’m a retired sculptor/ modelmaker. I’m working in wood now. I have some familiarity with CAD. Ive been familiar with SketchUp and have used before, a while ago. Ive taken classes for AutoCad and Solidworks. Never excelled enough to be competitive. Working on a keyboard isnt the same as working with my hands. But my limited knowledge of CAD is about equal to my woodworking needs. Its helping. Whats your story? You do this full time? You’ve been helpful.

Dave has asked for an image from you so we have some idea what you are trying to create, knowing the end product may allow us to show you a simple method to create it.
Like this for example.

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