Clicking quickly causes a dragging action on toolbar items in Chrome

I’ve been using SketchUp for Web with Firefox for several years. I recently had to switch to Chrome (Chromium/Brave) and I’m having a bit of odd mouse behavior. Whenever I am working quickly and click on a tool item, I end up with a click-drag type event. The tool moves with my cursor when I go to click on something and is pulled off of the palette.

This doesn’t happen every time, but has something to do with click speed or click duration. Invariably it happens when I’m in moving quickly trying to get something done.

Now, I have had this happen with less frequency in Firefox as well. I also have often had happen situations where I am using the push/pull tool quickly and the push/pull is released immediately after clicking (causing prematurely aborted small push pulls).

All of this seems to be related to the mouse and when clicks begin and end.

I have had no issues anywhere else in my operating system or in other web apps, so I don’t believe it’s a mouse problem.

If anyone has any ideas on how I might get it to work at least as well as it did in Firefox that would be great. I’m guessing there’s some kind of logic for a drag-lock or something that can be enabled or disabled? But I’ve dug around and tried changing modes from Touchpad to Mouse already.

Heya @rustycoat. Thanks for the great question. It sounds like (and I could be wrong) that SketchUp is having trouble distinguishing between a click-drag event and a click-release-click approach. And I wonder if there’s a slight lag between when you click, drag, and release as your modeling “fast.”

In general (and this goes all the way back to the original SketchUp), it’s much better to click > release > move and then click to complete all drawing actions. Though it does support click > drag > release, the results may not be what you expect. Click-release-move then click again to complete definitely produces the best results.

If that doesn’t quite resolve the issue or if you keep running into problems, feel free to upload a quick screen-capture video that demonstrates the behavior. I’m not familiar with a good screen-capture tool for Linux, but a quick Internet search should be able to help you out (in case you don’t know how to do it already). But a video is often very helpful to understanding what’s going on.


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