Circular texture on a circular plane

Long time lurker, first time caller.
I’m designing a circular floor. I have the wood grain texture that I want to use on the floor but for the life of me can’t figure out a way to make the grain of the wood follow the curve of the circle. I can’t be the first person ever to want to accomplish this but after much searching on this forum, Youtube, and extension warehouse, I can’t seem to find the solution. I’ve been using Sketchup with great success/results for many years and have always been able to figure out how to get done what I need to do…thank you forum people for all the help you didn’t know you were giving me btw . I’m a bit surprised that I haven’t run into this issue before. If a picture or diagram of what I want to accomplish is needed, I can certainly upload one.

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make a pie section as component, so its adjustable globally and copy it around perhaps, hide the edges so it looks seamless.

SketchUp has no facility to distort an image to make something like woodgrain appear to bend in a circle on a floor or whatever. Since a texture is only an image, you could make a wood grain texture in an image editor with what amounts to concentric rings. In reality, a wood floor isn’t likely to be laid that way but instead laid in sector around the center. If that’s what you want to achive in your model, divide the circle into pie-shaped wedges and then apply the texture to each of the faces. Depending on your texture image and its quality, you might just make a single wedge as a component and copy/rotate it around the center.

Gah! of course! I came close… I turned on hidden geometry at one point for a different part of the model and saw wedges in the geometry of the circle. Because I wasn’t concentrating on the floor at that moment, it didn’t occur to me to use them (or create my own personally-sized wedge) as a means to texture the floor. Thank ye, thank ye to both of you!

Hi there.

I have been trying to do something similar. I need to map concentric pavers in a circular pattern. Any help?
I’m attaching the image here…

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Divide the face into separate"pavers"and texture the faces or create an image of the circular paver area in an image editor and import that as a texture.

You added the image while I was typing. You could import that image as a texture.

DaveR. Really appreciate the quick response since I am on a deadline here. Sharing a screenshot here, how do i get rid of the white edges?

Did you import the image as an image or as a texture. Assuming it’s the former, right click on the image and choose Explode. Then draw a circle centered on the pavers and erase the outer edges of the square.

End p with something like this.

All hail the SketchUp Sage! Thanks.

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…but I have more questions.
I just dragged the image into sketchup.

  1. If I bring it in as a texture, how do i get rid of the edges?
  2. One of the options it gives me when I right click on it is to ‘Use As Material’. Can you please elaborate how that works?
  3. How do I change the scale of the pavers?

the scale issue I’m having

  1. As with any image whether you bring it in as an image or as a material, it’ll be rectangular. You could make the white pixels surrounding the pavers transparent and save the image as a PNG. (JPGs do not support transparency.) Or, as I outlined above, apply the texture to a circular face.

  2. Materials/textures are just images. You can import the image as a texture and apply it to a face. This is often a better option than importing as an image although if you import as an image and explode it afterward, the image becomes a material. Genrally when I want a texture from the image, I just import it as a material and skip the extra steps.

  3. Once you have the image as a material, you can either edit it’s dimensions in the Materials panel–go to the In Model materials, select the texture, click on the Edit tab and adjust the size or right click on the textured face, choose Texture>Position and the adjust the size with the push pins.

My preference when creating materials is to draw a face that is the correct size for the material. Then apply the texture to that face using the lower left corner and far edge as guides for setting the size. Then I know it’s the right size from the get go and I don’t have to screw around with it anymore.

Here is a video addressing how to scale an object with the tape measure tool


Sorry Chris. But how is this video relevant?

My pending issue(the rest were very graciously answered by DaveR) is that I have a circle of about 50’ radius that I am trying to add a circular paver pattern to. The image that I got fits more of a 20’ circle. How should i scale the texture without messing up the texture map?

So you want your pavers to cover a larger area than the ones in the photo do? Is that correct? But you want to individual stones to be the correct smaller size? If that’s the case, you’ll need more pavers. You could draw rectangles around individual paver stones in your texture and make unique textures from them. Right click in the rectangle and you’ll see it in the Context menu. Then you would draw individual faces for the additional pavers and apply the new textures.

Sorry… I missunderstood. I thought the pad needed to be scaled down not just the texture.

You could use Curviloft and FredoThruPaint plugins, and a seamless texture, for something like this:


I’d make a physical tile and copy it around as an array, move the tile out and repeat. Not sure a texture could be manipulated without making the outer tiles bigger in size? I quickly had used a square but a trapezoid shape would tessellate better?