Change right click to Orbit

Does anyone know how to change the right click mouse to Orbit?

im using a mac with logitech mx mouse, seems i can customise the cmd on logitech but not the right click.


I don’t know what the function is called on a Mac, but the orbit function uses the “middle button” command. You would have to assign “middle button” to the right mouse button. Do you have a problem using the scroll wheel button where the function is by default? Don’t you ever need the context menu?

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using different 3d software I like to have same orbit comand, it s just more intuitive.
Not sure about context menu, is something i can custumize more? if right click I got only this comands… which i already mapped on the keyboard, so for me right click is useleess, can I add more things on the context menu?
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 7.19.53 PM

As its name suggests, the right-click context menu’s contents change depending on what is selected. With something selected, and also depending on what extensions you install, it will contain much more than the minimal version you showed.


Here’s an example from a right-click on an object in one of my models:

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As noted, this isn’t recommended. Right click is needed for the contextual menu so replacing that would be unadvisable.

I have the same mouse as you and using the scroll wheel button for orbit is your best bet.

Scroll wheel for sure!


Karabiner might be able to help you remap the right mouse to middle mouse for SketchUp only (and you should be able to continue to use Ctrl-left click for the context menu). It does support mouse remapping How to change mouse buttons | Karabiner-Elements and application specific settings frontmost_application_if, frontmost_application_unless | Karabiner-Elements but will probably need some fiddling to get it to work how you want!