Can't sign my latest RBZ

Hi guys,

i get this error on a file that signed with no problems a month a go.
Any one got any tips or solution?

Schermafbeelding 2023-05-31 101904


It may be an error with Amazon Web Services (if indications with a web search on “mnt/efs” hold true for the warehouse.)

ping @psaal

I would say send an email to the addy above with your RBZ.

Are you still experiencing this problem?

i had the same problem

the error message does not help; the problem was that the directory contained too many files (3286)… and sketchup submitting process could not manage so many files in one directory

reducing the options of the extension, i reduced the number of files in the directory to 244, and it passed the first step of the submission

Hello All
I would like to add a question in the same direction.
I have created 2 simple plugins, they are the first ones I have ever made so far.
In both cases the plugin is only one RB file each, no more files otherwise.
Both plugins are intended to show up in the Camera menu.

I also wanted to sign these two tools at SketchUp and also kept getting this “Oh No” message :wink:

To convert these to an actual RBZ form I assumed to simply make a ZIP each and then change the suffix from ZIP to RBZ - But this is obviously wrong because signing on SketchUp was not possible due to my incorrect RBZ file structure. SketchUp support gave me this hint which does not yet help me to recognise what I need to do next:

So how does an RBZ file structure have to look precisely if the content actually consists of only one RB file to fulfil SketchUp’s requirements?


You still need the associated folder in the rbz, even if the folder is empty, because that’s where they put the signing info.

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Thanks Slbaumgartner :+1:

assuming “HornOxx.rb” is my plugin that’s the simple trick :slightly_smiling_face:



I second @dezmo’s link to the API documentation, but with a twist.

I strongly discourage the un-uniquifying of the extension regsitrar and folder name prefixes as shown in the docs. Ie … initializing "NameyNamesson" to "nn_".

Why? … because the "Plugins" folder(s) are shared filespaces where collision can occur.

So what happens if a coder named Nancy Nilsson also creates a CubeMaker extension? If she were to follow the same advice of the docs, her extension registrar file and folder would have the same name. Installing her extension could overwrite the files of Mr. Namesson’s extension.

The safer protocol is to use the fully qualified identifier for the extension submodule (ie, the output of calling to_s from inside the submodule) and then replace the :: scope operator with an underscore.

Ie … we would have non-clashing registrar files and extension subfolders:

  • "Plugins/NameyNamesson_CubeMaker.rb" and "Plugins/NameyNamesson_CubeMaker"

  • "Plugins/NancyNilsson_CubeMaker.rb" and "Plugins/NancyNilsson_CubeMaker"