Note that, the file I’m trying to upload is not 0 B and is a valid rbz file.
I’m trying to upload some old rbz that I correctly signed in the past and I have the same issues.
How did you make your RBZ file ?
Make a ZIP and re-suffix it ?
What ZIP app etc…
Is that file structured as expected - i.e. the ZIP/RBZ contains a xxx.rb and a folder named xxx, which will take the signing file and can contain the bulk of the code files etc used by your extension…
Hi Tig,
I often make this procedure and only in last days I had this problem. Now I’m making some test and I’m trying to upload my old RBZ files that in the past I have correctly signed but now these old files are not working too! So I’m sure that the issue is not due to the file compression or to the structure of the content of my zip/rbz. I precise that the RBZ files are not uploaded at all! Simply a drop or select an RBZ file from my file system and the online interface doesn’t load it and the “NEXT” button remains not clickable. It looks like an Html/Json issue.
I’m working on a MacBook Pro M2 (OS Sonoma 14.5). I’m trying with Safari and Chrome to sign my extension but is the same!
I have always followed the same procedure. I create a zip file with the system standard right click command of my mac-os and then I change the .zip extension to .rbz. I have been using this procedure for years. Now it doesn’t works more.
I read elsewhere that this has been reported to SketchUp recently.
Just tested this myself (on MacOS 12 and Chrome v132) with an extension that I successfully signed in December and also confirm the issue is present if using drag & drop but using the “Browse” button works as expected.