Can't Remove Google Account from Sketchup

Under the login window (main screen towards the bottom left), I am given the option to “add account” or “remove account.”
I have previously signed in with my personal gmail account and would like to now remove it in order to keep my email address from being available to the subsequent users. However, the “remove account” button does absolutely nothing and I can not remove reference to my gmail account; or I simply don’t understand the procedure for removing an account from the machine. Can someone enlighten me?

Welcome to the Hotel California.


@jccc.cadlab, Please try clearing cache, cookies, etc from IE/ Safari!

Yogesh, thanks for the suggestion. I’ve already tried that to no avail. I’ve also noticed thought that although I have IE set to clear cookies, files, history, etc. upon closing - anything accessed through the windows in SketchUp (main login window, 3D warehouse, etc.) still show up under history unless I manually clear it through the control panel>internet options>delete browsing history and cookies. What’s up with that?

Go to C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\ and remove cookiejar.xml and session.dat (if they exist). Restart SketchUp. Replace YOUR_USER_NAME with yours, and replace 2016 with an older version if that’s what you’re running.

Barry I’ll give that a try at my next opportunity, the class room is booked for a couple of hours. I’ll let you know how it turns outs.

I take back what I said about having to manually clear internet files.

The history is simply available into the next browser session until the browser is closed at which point the history is automatically cleared. However, this still presents a possible privacy issue. Once the student leaves the machine, the next user could potentially have access to the previous user’s history.

-User logs into their google account through Sketchup to utilize the 3d Warehouse or Extension Warehouse
-user then navigates to other outside websites through those same windows using “ctrl +l”
-history of those websites is retained in the full blown IE browser until it is opened and cleared or opened - then closed (if auto clear option is selected.)

I don’t know if I’m explaining this clearly enough, if not let me know and I’ll try to elaborate a little further.

The students should be logging off of their user account, before leaving the machine. The machine should be set to force a re-login if the machine goes into sleep or screen saver state.

SketchUp keeps all it’s settings per user in the the User hive of the registry, and each user’s plugin installs in the User %APPDATA% path (as Barry showed above.)

Also, besides the SketchUp specific files “cookiejar.xml” and “session.dat”, the usual cookies and temporary files are kept separately for each user account in the %LOCALAPPDATA% path.

This means each student should should only see the plugins they have installed, and should only see their own Google account when presented with a Google Account login. They should not (unless they have Administrative privileges) have access to any other student’s:

  • TEMP directory
  • “Temporary Internet Files” directory
  • Favorites
  • History list
  • Recent file list
  • Downloads directory
  • Documents directory

etc., etc. Ie, anything in any sub-folder of %USERPROFILE% or in the HKEY_USERS registry hive of any other student’s account.

That makes sense - I think I understand this post. The original post, I’d need a picture. I think you’re referring to a Google screen, not our screen. Google controls that - it’s their OAuth2 screen.

On the history, I suppose you could write a logout script and remove AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History\ , or have a timer do it on the hour if classes are on the hour, or see if your school has Faronics “Deep Freeze”. Schools and Apple Stores I’ve helped used that or something like that.


Thanks for the info. As I said I will continue to experiment with it once the class room is available again.

The students, at this time, do not log into Windows under their own user name. All students utilize a generic local “Student” profile (set as admin) within the Windows OS. Windows is protected by an application known as DeepFreeze which negates any changes the students may have made during that session of Windows>>once the machine is rebooted the OS is restored to it’s previous state unless the machine was “thawed” to allow intentional changes. However, in the interest of efficiency the machines are typically only rebooted once per day.

My real concern was that SketchUp was not clearing the history of websites visited in it’s “IE windows” on it’s own once the student’s log out and exit Sketchup. I sincerely doubt this presents much of privacy/security issue, I just thought I would mention it since I noticed it as I was trying to remedy my original problem.

Thanks for all your input guys, I’ll let you know how it turns out.


We do indeed use DeepFreeze. I’ll try what you suggested in your previous post about removing the cookiejar.xml file. I believe this should work to fix my OP as I was able to experiment with this on a frozen machine in my lab.

Again, I just mentioned the other issue (not clearing IE history) to bring it to your attention as I noticed it while tinkering around trying to solve my original post.

Thanks for your input. Again, I’ll give your first recommendation a try and let you guys know how it turns out.


What you suggested (removing the cookiejar.xml file) worked. I went ahead and attached a .jpeg though to further illustrate my point.

I understand that it may be Google screen, however users are being (or were previously being) directed to use it (through the main log in screen) in order to access the 3d warehouse &/or the Extensions warehouse because trying sign into them through their respective windows (windows>>3d warehouse or windows>>extension warehouse) doesn’t work due to authentication issues if I remember right? Found Here:

Authentication error

Anyway my problem is now solved, thanks for your help guys.

For future reference (just saw this) - the remove button doesn’t remove: it puts an ‘x’ next to the account you want to remove, which you have to click on to remove that account.