Can't place components where I want

Why do I get a dialog box “can’t place component there”?

I’m trying to place come components I’ve made for recessed lighting into some ceiling framing, using the layout on a lighting plan I’ve imported into my model.

Why can’t I place the component where I want it?

In the image, you can see the circle with the line through it indicating no go on the placement.

Is the component made with a cutting plane? Or is it made to be locked in a particular orientation?

What happens if you draw a rectangle and try to insert it on the rectangle?

Maybe your component has the glue to property and the components axis (insertion point) has been placed wrong…
FWIW: uploading your file makes it easier for us to help you…

That doesn’t sound like a SketchUp error message to me. Is there a plugin involved? SketchUp lets you place a gluing component anywhere without restrictions - it just doesn’t glue.

Fresh install, no plugins… same message in some situations

No, just a fairly simply representation of a recessed light. I placed the axis in a good spot to put the center of the light on layout as shown on the lighting plan, but it’s not a “glue to” component.

Other than “Component Finder” from Flextools, no plugin involved. It’s not a glue to component.

I modeled a flat plane and it would allow me to place it on a corner of the plane.

01_25.1.9_pritchard basement lighting.skp (9.6 MB)

This is the file. A copy of the component it in it

@mihai.s seems to be able to reproduce your problem. So it could be a bug…
I’m not able to test your file, not home untill tomorrow evening.

Weird behavior. Don’t have time to investigate but u downloaded it. Only lets me place it in the ceiling, but once one is in it lets me place them elsewhere. I will try and diagnose tomorrow when I’m in the office.

It does seem that I’ve run into this before…

I exploded everything and made a new component. Set the axis @ the center of the circle. Then saved it out. Tried it in a new file and it seems to work. Something embedded when it was created must have made it act strange.

Give it a try.

DMF-bmike2.skp (225.5 KB)

IMO the component behaves exactly as it should. It is set to glue to Horizontal so it refuses to attach to non-horizontal faces. It can only be placed somewhere with no inference, or on a horizontal face.


The component I downloaded is in (2) parts, not the one component I had with (2) sub assemblies. I made a made a component of the assembly. It does appear to work.

Doesn’t explain why I was having the problem with the component I made. Hmmm

I also found an old thread on this from 2009…

Maybe there was a gluing plane within one of those sub components (the text, the logo, etc.)

Do you need all that detail (the screws, the 2d detail, etc?

It might be easier just to make a box and some rails into a component and use that instead.

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I actually sort of did this. I made the component a group first, then went into and exploded all of it down to just geometry. Then recreated the component with the same axis location and glue to horizontal. This seems to have worked… so far!

Thanks for your interest!