Hi! I didn’t use My Shetchup por for about two weeks and a half due to holidays. No i want to start working again, Sketchup sends me to trimble to login as usual, but this time i do not have the possibility to enter my login and pasword, i just get a blank page. No errors, just blank.
How can i solve this?
I bought my license in November 2022, so it should be working fine for some more months…
I click on Trimble, but the only thing that happens, is the ‘sign in’ sign at the right jumps up. When I try to login that way, I have the same empty screen of yesterday…
yes i tried with my phone, just to log in on Trimble and that worked! I could see my profile and i had the chance to create a recovery mail. But I still cant’ login to sketchup on my laptop…
You said you don’t have VPN, but do you have any ad blockers? Those are what usually cause the right side of the page to be blank. How about a firewall, are you using one of those?
We found the problem! Recently we bought a new router (UniFi) Somehow this router is blocking me. I now created a hotspot on my phone and my menu is back!
Anyone here who knows which setting on the router we have to change?