Can't Initiate Preferences

I need help. I copied my Sketchup 8 program to my new Mac computer. Now I can’t access Preferences. Can someone tell me what’s wrong?

It could be that SketchUp 8 isn’t supported for Sierra. I would fully expect all sorts of problems trying to run SU8 on Sierra. It wasn’t until a couple of days ago that the update for SU2017 was released which made it compatible with Sierra.

Copying it to your computer isn’t an adequate way to install the program either.

Copying is not the right way to place SU on your computer. You must install the program with administrative privileges. This also means that you will need the authorization code and any serial number information (if any) that was provided to you by email at the time of your initial purchase.

Try installing SketchUp in the appropriate manner and let us know if you continue to be unable to initiate Preferences.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I suspect that the IOS is the problem.

Thanks so much for the reply. Since I can’t download SU8 from the SU website, I wouldn’t know any other way to install it on the new computer. I copied the entire SU8 folder to the new computer (as an admin with my PW), and then opened it and used my serial number and authorization code in when it started.
I considered upgrading, but SU won’t let me upgrade from SU8, because it is too old. I don’t want to pay for a new license. I would buy Autocad LT before I would do that.

I guess you are kind of stuck with what you’ve got, then.

On both Mac and Windows there are various supporting files and settings that are created during install. They are not in the app bundle (mac) or exe folder (windows), so it isn’t surprising that the program won’t run correctly if you just copy that.

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Do you still have the old computer? If you saved the original program installer in your Downloads folder, you can reinstall SU8 using that file. I know its a long shot, but this is why I always hang onto downloaded installation program files.

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Thanks, but don’t have the original download. That’s a smart idea; never thought of doing that. But it would make sense for important programs. I’ll just limp along as is.

Seems a little strange, because I copied everything in the Sketchup folder as it exists on my old computer. But I guess they could be hidden somewhere else. Thanks for the reply.

Honestly, on Mac the SketchUp app bundle is fairly well self-contained. SU 8 is before my time, but my naive expectation is that you should be able to copy the app bundle and have it work.

The bad news is that there’s almost no way SU 8 will be usable on a Sierra machine. It takes us about a month’s work every year to make sure that SketchUp will continue to run on the newest version of OS X. At this point SU 8 is missing about 5-6 years worth of fixes. I would expect to see a number of fairly significant performance issues and crashes if run on Sierra.


Thanks Marc. Actually, I have been using SU8 for about 4 days. There are only a few commands I can’t access, in addition to preferences. I guess I’m lucky.

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