Can't find Model on Trimble Connect

Hello everyone,
I have never used Sketchup Free before, used to have a desktop version years ago. Yesterday I set down to start building out a design for some home improvement, and everything went well. When saving the project it seemed to automatically choose the Trimble Connect thing, so I went along and signed in with my Google account. Today though, when I sign in, there is no trace of my model, or the folder I made.
I tried to find help in the support pages, but could find nothing, and it seems impossible to actually write Trimble directly when I don’t have a subscription plan to a paid product. Can anyone here point me in the right direction? It’s pretty deflating to have everything gone :frowning:

Hi Sketchyness. Im having the same problem. Ive tried to search for my own uploaded models and the result shows that there is no model with the title that I’ve tried to search.

Then, I decided to try something else: i’ve tried to search for other models from other designers that I know they have uploaded models here on 3dWarehouse. And I couldn’t find it too.

Is someone having the same problem? Please, help us!!!

Click on ‘products’ , does that change anything?

Hi Mike! It worked, thanks! But I really want to understand why it doesn’t appears on “model” tab, because it makes no sense. It should appear on this category too… don’t you agree?

And a question: how should I set the model to appears on “model” tab?

FWIW, the 3D Warehouse is not the same as Trimble Connect.
If you are logged in in the 3D Warehouse, you should be able to manage your content (top right, click on your avatar)
Try to go from there. You have collections that are public, folders are private.

Yes im logged on my 3d Warehouse accaount, but how can I make my models appears on “Models” tab? Im not finding this option :frowning:

Can you help me? :smile:

I suspect you are ‘positioned’ as a manufacturer and your ‘models’ are seen as ‘products’, something you would expect with a name like that :slight_smile:
Which account is it? Maybe @TheGuz or @psaal can advice…

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