Cannot save Style from In Model to other folders

I am trying to finally compile a folder of my custom Styles.

Whether using the save as method or drag and drop within the Styles tray, it’s a non result.

It seems to work fine with preset, unedited Styles, but not with edited and renamed Styles.

Strange thing is it did work with one of my edited Styles. But I can’t work out how it is different from those that cannot saved.

Are you dragging a thumbnail for the style? Where is the folder you’re trying to save to located?

Right. Thank you Dave.

I had the view set to list, as I always do.

Curious thing is that it did manage to spit out one save in list view. That sent me on a wild goose chase thinking it had something to do with folder permissions. Half a day i won’t get back. But at least I’m now on track.

That’s odd because normally you have to be in thumbnail view to save styles by dragging from one panel to the other. Well, you’re back to collecting.