Exporting to a dwg or dxf file fails, but only for certain Sketchup files. I am using Sketchup 2016 on a Windows 10 machine. When I create a new simple file and export it to dwg or dxf, it is successful, but when I export some other existing files, it is not. For the file that will not export, am clicking on File\Export\3d Model\ - I selecting dwg as the file type - then click export. At that point, I am just returned to the Sketchup model. I do not get any type of message and no file is created. I can select a file type other than dwg or dxf and the file exports.
I can create a new file draw a simple object and export it to the same folder, using the same file name as above and it exports with the expected “…export audit: OK…” dialog
As a trouble shooting step, opened the file that would not export, deleted everything, created a simple object and it would not export.
As another trouble shooting step, I have tried copying groups of objects little by little from the suspect file that does not export to a new file that does export to see if a particular object is prohibiting the export. As I test the export each time I copy a new group of objects, it works successfully at first, but eventually fails. At the point it fails, even if I delete the object that appeared to make it fail, the file will not export. At this point even if I delete all the objects and create one simple one, the export fails.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.