Can Sketchup work to make simple models on an OLD PC?

I have an antique HP a815n Pavillion running Ubuntu. It uses the motherboard for graphics. No added video/graphics card.

I have looked and looked to find a different driver to get past the apparent lack of open gl compatibility. Am I wasting my time with this antique ?

I am not trying to do anything more than some simple 3D shapes. I only need several at a time on the screen.


Are you looking to keep it as Linux? This page may have some useful tips in it:

Here’s an interesting video, that shows testing Windows 10 on a 2.8 GHz P4:

That’s slower than your machine, though it does have more RAM.

Whatever the case, I think the machine is able to run SketchUp ok, just not sure about WINE and OpenGL.

you could also look at mesa3d

I started using Sketchup on a a Presario (512 MB RAM, Intel Celeron D 340 Processor), I could build a fairly complex model (like a house), but the more I added, the more it slowed things down.

Thanks for the replies guys.

Colin, Do you think I’d have better luck if I ran Windows XP ? I think I
have tried it and it does the same thing. It keeps stopping on the “cannot
do open GL” error message.

In SU, at Window > Preferences > OpenGL, did you disable Use hardware acceleration? With that setting, the CPU will do all the work instead of sharing the workload with the GPU and its driver.