Can i apply a component to face of wall?

Hello was wondering i am working on a half wall and wanted to apply this cool wavy texture currently right now its a component but as you can see i would need to trim it at the top and its curved… what would be the best approach to applying this component to just the face of this wall below the cap at the top?

partial wall cool texture.skp (5.5 MB)

i have my model file for reference

hello, you can use zorro 2, free on extension warehouse. you could do it with by intersecting with a simple plane but with complex geometries it is somewhat slower, not speaking about the need to clean afterwards


but depending on what you want to do with that, there might be better approaches.

Is it a sketchup model only ? might be better to use a texture. this is heavy stuff, it might be smooth for now, that you only have one wall

  • is it meant to be rendered ? : if with vray you can use the (rather) new function enmesh :
  • in any other renderer or also vray, you could find a nice texture with bump map or even displacement map

you could also probably have a look at Curic Face knife.