Bug splat every little actions/ bugsplat a cada pequena ação

Estou tentando alterar um arquivo mas qualquer ação que executo o arquivo trava e o bugsplat fecha ele. Tenho 3 versoes diferentes instaladas no meu computador e em todas isso esta acontecendo. Já atualizei o driver e nao sei mais o que fazer. Meu windows é o 11

I’m trying to change a file but any action I take crashes it and bugsplat closes it. I have 3 different versions installed on my computer and in all of them this is happening. I already have updated the NVIDIA driver. My windows is 11

Share the file so we can see what is going on with it.

its happening with all my files

Share one of them so we can see if has to do with your files or if it is something related to your hardware. Are you actually using SketchUp 2017 Make?