July 10, 2017, 2:32pm
I just bought my first GPU a GTX 1050Ti for Vray rendering but it’s very slow. In the future should i buy a GTX 1080Ti ? Will the render time be much faster ? Or should i upgrade my CPU from i5 to i7 ? I prefer GPU rendering vs CPU
See these recent threads in the Extensions category:
the option in Vray for enable Gpu acceleration, will it make the rendering proccess faster?
i have a geforce 1070 g1 graphics card.
Hi I have a few questions. I build PC’s as a part time job and recently started working in an architecture firm. There are two main PC’s they use for rendering here and they render slower than I think they should, specs as follows:
i7 4790
16gb ram
I also notice that enabling gpu acceleartion seems to slow down the rendering rather than speeding it up, why would that be so? Also the computer is almost rendered unusable once it starts rendering even though capped at 80% utilization. …
October 11, 2017, 8:10am
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