I’ve developed some stage rostra as Dynamic Components, starting from excellently drawn DCs on the 3D Warehouse by Rory.
I’ve adapted and to some extent redrawn them, to allow me to specify a Height (in inches).
I’d like to be able to use the Scale tool to drag the height up and down, and it partly works. When I use the mouse, and pick a point to stop the scaling on the Z axis, the model behaves itself - the top stays at the same thickness, and the sides at the same depth, and the overall height adjusts to match the picked point Zheight.
I thought it would be possible to use the Measurement box to type in either a Scale factor or a Height measurement - but when I do that, the top thickness and side height do NOT stay at their fixed values, but scale proportionately to the original height.
I’ve drawn a simplified model in a new file to explore the problem, and illustrate it - a two-box partial model of a table 36" square, with a 1" thick top, and a side 6" deep set below the top, and a guide point at ‘floor’ level at the world origin.
Hers’s the model:
Table DC example.skp (20.7 KB)
The origin of the Top and Side components are both set at the top left hand corner of the table top, so that (with the guide point) the overall DC bounding box has the LenZ attribute equal to the height of the top, and the Z position of the side is at the same height. The ScaleTool attribute for the overall component limits scaling to the Blue axis.
The table is drawn with the top at 30" high.
I’ve specified fixed thickness for the top (1") and depth for the side (6") in the component attributes:
When I scale with the mouse, the component does what I want it to: the top and side stay the same thickness, but both move down to the new picked height (half height in this example):
But if I type in either the scale fraction (0.5) or the height (15") the top and sides shrink vertically, as well as relocating.
Is there a way round this, so that I can type in a height in the Scale tool, and have the subcomponents stay at the fixed size I’ve specified?
I know I can do it with a text box input, but then visual scaling doesn’t work.