Automatically rebuilding (missing) walls between straight edges

Im wondering if is any extension which help me automaticaly close (fix) this gaps like on pictures.
That happens when Im importing from stl.
Thanx in advance for information.

Eneroth’s face maker (or make face ? never sure)

also, it looks like tiny face syndrom, when you model stuff kinda small, and SU don’t like small.

select your model, take the scale tool, and make it 10 times or 100 times bigger.
and once you’re done, scale it back down. it’ll help.

also… you just joined so your profile is brand new.

you’re using SU 2020 in “free plan” ? really ? on your screenshot I see extensions so the 2020, sure. but free plan ?

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This advice should be in the top five of basic SU tips for n00bz.

Woulda saved us all a lot of wasted hours we’re never gonna get back if we did it this way from day one! :crazy_face:

Thank you so much, I found it in name ( Eneroth Face Creator).
Works great.
About model size, I am importing model from stl file, so it is comming in size already set. After import I can make it bigger, but missing faces remain in model.

What version of SketchUp are you using? Your profile is confusing. There is no 2020 Free version and your screenshot clearly shows a desktop version.

You should be able to set the import units in the Import Options. Set them to meters.

Even better - make a component of what you are working on. Copy that component off to the side. Scale the copy up 10,100x - do the work you need to get done, and it will happen in the original component left in its proper place / orientation / position within the overall model.