Automatic Numbering DC to 3D text and Reports


I’ve been scrolling the internet the past weeks, but can not find any solution. So I hope someone can help me!

This is the main problem: I’m working with Dynamic Components and I need to make a Layout Drawing with numbers of the components (not all components, but the ones in a specific layer). These numbers need to match the numbers, shown on the SketchUp Report.

Now I’ve got a few possible ways in mind, but I’m not sure if they’re possible.

  1. Use the Rename by Layer plugin (renaming the instance number) → this Instance number will be connected to a Dynamic Component attribute (this is what doesn’t work yet) → This Attribute is connected to another attribute that chances the 3D text, sticked to the part → This instance number will be shown in the report.

  2. Use the Rename by Layer plugin (renaming the instance number) → This instance number will be shown in the report → In sketchup layout I will need to put by hand (or automatically if possible) labels to all instances (which is lots of work)

I hope there is a way for possibility 1, because that way everything will be automatic.

Thanks in advance!!

Maybe a ruby solution is what you need. I don’t know enough about the Layout API (or anything actually), but maybe pull on this thread and see where it goes…

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Hi @rwamoore ,

Thank you! This is good to know but I not really what I’m looking for.

The main problem is that the Instance number is not connected to the Dynamic Component attributes. Is there any way I could create a link between these?

Can you upload the component you are working on? It’s easier to get help around here if you do.

Maybe @dezmo 's Dynamic Label concept or Minh Tiến’s Dynamic Text is a starting point?

EDIT: and maybe this thread.