Automatic dimensions

I have designed a table to build by myself.
Is there a possibility that Sketchup that “knows” all the dimensions of all the components should show all components or selected components with their dimensions?
Kind regards

I assume that you want to display dimension annotation on your SketchUp model, as opposed to, for example, creating a tabular report listing the dimensions?

There is no automated tool to do the annotation that I know of. You have to do it manually, one-by-one. That’s because placement of dimensions so that they don’t overlap, are legible, etc requires human judgement.

Yes. Use the Dimension tool.

And/or a CutList plugin to generate a list of components with the size of their bounding boxes. If you’ve modelled it using components or groups, and have registered their axes correctly, it should work for you.

If you can upload your model, someone on the forum can illustrate this, or comment on anything you might need to do to your model to make it suitable for a CutList to be accurately generated.

Thank You for the responses and the kind offer.
It is not a table for the living room but to put a CNC milling machine on it, therefore the beauty doesn’t count.
I don’t think that I will attach wheels as in the design.
I have Cutlist but it doesn’t show the elements with all dimensions.
I don’t know how to upload a file, I don’t find any button to do so.
Kind regards

If the file is 10MB or smaller, simply drag it into the forum reply window or upload it into a reply using the eighth icon from left at the top of the window. If it is larger, upload it to a file sharing site, make it public, and share a link to it here.

Ok, I see
Tisch CNC-Fräse.skp (142.6 KB)

This is what I get when I run the CutList 4.1 extension on your file.

Note that you have a couple of objects duplicated off to the side, so the counts are increased because I selected all before running it. You can avoid this by selecting only the objects you want reported. Also, all cut list extensions report only the gross dimensions of the object because they are intended to support obtaining the materials necessary, not to showing details such as tenons, mortises, etc. For that you need to print out appropriate views of the model (this is a case where parallel projection and standard views are appropriate) with dimension annotations added (such as you have done in your model).

I see several places that your dimensions pile atop each other. To fix that you will need to adjust the view and move the dimensions so that they don’t overlap. That is the kind of issue I described in my first post - I don’t know of any automated tool that reliably avoids this kind of cosmetic issue.

Here’s an example of one view of one part. For this view, I did two things:

  • In Model Info->Dimensions I increased the font size, clicked “Select All Dimensions” and then clicked “Update Selected Dimensions” (sorry, I don’t know the German equivalents, but it should be simple for you to figure them out)
  • For the 5.0 dimension at the end, I moved it down a bit so that it doesn’t overlap the 65.0 (use the move tool) and I right-clicked it, chose Text Position->Outside Start to get it not to overlap the arrows. The latter is usually needed only for very small dimensions.

By positioning parts and choosing the view direction, you can usually get more than one object onto the same view.

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Hi,Thank you very much for all that work you did!
I understand why Sketchup may not show the components with all dimensions.
An other difficulty I encountered: there are only a few poor wood-materials and I struggled to get some other ones; in fact it is not so difficult, as a simple jpg picture may be transformed into a material.

I have already produced the main parts for the table.

Thank you for your interest and your advice!

Kind regards

As for the dimensions, what is it you need from them? Are you creating a plan for cutting out the parts and assembling the project? What version of SketchUp are you actually using? Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2017 Make but you posted in the SketchUp Pro category. If you are really using Pro, you might consider doing the dimensioning of the parts and such in LayOut rather than in SketchUp.

As you observe, it’s not difficult to create your own materials. You could make the one you are using look better by applying it to the faces of the components instead of to the component containers. That will allow you to rotate the texture so the grain runs the right direction on the part. I’ve done that in your model here.

If you use images of longer pieces of wood you can avoid the feature repetition you are experiencing in your model. Here’s a couple of examples of models I’ve created using pine textures. I gain some degree of realism because the textures are from boards around 3 to 4 meters long and 300mm wide. I also have 6 or 8 of them from the same log so I can pick and choose parts of each one for different pieces in the model without having the repetition that occurs with smaller textures.

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It was designed with the Pro version

I have tried that, without success: I have sent the model to Layout and get the same model representation in Layout.

What were you expecting? That the plans would be generated automatically?

I am still astonished that Sketchup may not offer the possibility of showing the dimensions automatically, because there is not a single dimension that is not known to Sketchup.
I understand that there would be dimensions hiding others or hidden behind the model, but there is the possibility to turn it around to show the dimensions that one needs.

What a nightmare it would be to have every possible dimension added to the model. I’d hate to have to work from your plans. I find it astonishing that you expect that out of a free software package, too.

Sketchup Pro is not free!

Your profile says you are using SketchUp Make.
Screenshot - 4_17_2021 , 6_33_53 AM

In a former message I wrote that I designed it with the Pro Version

This is what you want to see?
The image shows many of the “dimensions” residing in a cubic shape (4 are missing)
What is the use except visual clutter? Why not model everything to the right size in the first place?


So those of us helping out by answering your questions have to keep track of everything you say rather than check your profile when the info is relevant?

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Ok, ok, I don’t want any dispute with you and I stop to discuss about that!

@Anssi 's diagram well illustrates the point I made way back at the start of this topic. Yes, all the dimensions are known to SketchUp. But that doesn’t mean that it knows which you do or don’t want to see or where you want them to be placed to avoid useless clutter. I repeat that I seriously doubt any app at any price can automatically handle this ambiguous request.

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