AR/VR Viewer - Does not find Hololens

When I start the AR/VR Viewer on my desktop computer the program will not find the HoloLens. When I enter the IP address I also have no success.
SketchUp-Viewer on HoloLens is running. HoloLens and desktop are in the same network.

Any Ideas?
Thank you.

What should the Viewer app on the computer do?
The hololens has its own viewerapp, it is in fact the running pc?

Yes I know, but how do I get my own models from the desktop to the HoloLens?
I think thats what the AR/VR-Extension does, doesn’ t it?

No, you must use Trimble connect.
On the PC, go to and sign in with your Trimble ID.
If not allready there, create a project and upload the SketchUp file.
Then, in the hololens app, sign in (again) and go to the same Trimble connect project.

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