I told you specifically how to log and posted “purty pictures”, viz:
I also gave you extensive instructions in another post … along with a link to the online User Guide for installing and managing extensions (which has not been clicked on.)
There is a list of online user guides for all SketchUp products.
I suggest you bookmark it, or save a shortcut to it on your desktop, etc. Refer it these guides in the future when you need help.
(Rant Collapsed) ...
Are you really 5 years old? My private time is valuable too me, and I am done wasting my time with someone who will not take their own time to read and learn for themselves and just sit an whine and complain when people take their own time to try to help them help themselves.
You are not willing. If you have enough “smarts” to post forum questions, you should have enough to read the manuals that were created to explain what you need to know.
(Rant Collapsed) ...
So you can just sit there and b-i-t-c-h forever for all I care, (which I no longer do).