Have reviewed many of the the “LayOut Font Issue” threads on the forum … and think that perhaps I may have stumbled upon yet another issue with LayOut fonts.
I set up my my LayOut templates with “Auto-Text” for the common “Scales” … thus <ScaleN
> will display as SCALE: NTS; <Scale4
> will display as SCALE: 1/4" = 1’-0" (1:48); <Scale2
> will display as SCALE: 1/2" = 1’-0" (1:24); etc.
If LayOut had the ability to display the scale of a view port, then this artifice would not be necessary … but as far as I know it is up to the user to add appropriate scale notation to each plan, elevation, section etc.
This simple “Auto-Text” scheme works fine … enabling me to easily add/change scale notation as required. And since much of my work is free lance … it also enables me to easily change the font of my standard templates so that they conform to the font preferred (required?) by various clients.
With that as background … here is what I stumbled upon recently: When “Exporting” to PDF there appears to be a problem with “Auto-Text” that is set to “Architectype” font. “Print” to PDF and the Auto-Text in “Architectype” font appears correct. But … “Export” to PDF and the Auto-Text in “Architectype” font that contains other than alpha characters … the ASCII string is still there, but the “Architectype” font is lost.
Attached are four files:
- A simple SketchUp Model.
- This simple SketchUp model in a simple LayOut template that includes the Auto-Text mentioned above.
- A PDF that was generated by “Exporting” to PDF from LayOut.
- A PDF that was generated by “Printing” to PDF from LayOut.
Each page of the sample LayOut template includes two sets of Auto-Text.
At the bottom of each page is Auto-Text for <PageName
> and <ScaleN
> … set to use the Arial and Georgia fonts of the standard LayOut template.
And in the upper left corner of each page is the same <PageName
> and <ScaleN
> Auto-Text … using the Architectype font.
When this LayOut file is “Printed” to PDF … the Auto-Text in “Architectype” font shows up properly in the PDF.
But when this same LayOut file is “Exported” to PDF … the Auto-Text in “Architectype” font that contains something other than alpha characters … the ASCII string is correct, but the “Architectype” font is lost.
So there you have it.
What am I doing wrong?
230718A_Font_Test.layout (156.4 KB)
230718A_Font_Test.skp (24.6 KB)
230718A_Font_Test_Export.pdf (868.1 KB)
230718A_Font_Test_Print.pdf (307.2 KB)