All my preferred file location paths are invalid

I have read all the past threads with this issue and I’m still unsure what to do.

A little background info first…I just recently replaced my HDD in my laptop as it was dying with an SSD. My Sketchup Pro subscription expired while I was having my laptop fixed and bought a new subscription and downloaded it this morning. I was warned that some of my files that did survive the transfer from my dying D drive might be corrupt so keeping that in mind these are the messages I am getting and also I must tell you that I did change the Models link somewhat by accident, I didn’t realize it wouldn’t revert back to whatever it said prior to clicking on the pencil/folder…I cancelled and did not click ok, but it did not revert…

I get this message when I try opening any of my saved models.

This next message only happens to one of my files and it was the last file I had been working on when my drive decided to give up the ghost. It doesn’t open at all.

This file lost some of the materials I had used.

I just haven’t a clue what new location I should give any of these and would I have to change it for all the models or will doing it once work for all? I save my models in different directories/folders

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated…not really a techy gal so my apologies right from the get go :frowning:

Some of your paths point to One Drive which is a cloud location. This can cause problems if One Drive isn’t accessible or is slow to respond. Best practice would be to have ALL of your paths pointing to folders on your internal drive. I’ve found the best for me is to use the default locations. I would suggest resetting them to their default locations. I’d also suggest repairing the SketchUp installation. Close SketchUp, reboot your computer, find the installer in your Downloads folder and right click on it. Choose Run as administrator and then, when prompted, choose Repair.

As for your corrupted file, a number of users have reported the same sort of issue when they’ve been working on files saved directly to the cloud. Again, best practice is to have the files on your internal drive at least while you are working on them. When you are finished and have saved the file, sync it to the cloud location.

Your screenshots show you are using SketchUp 2023. You could be using Trimble Connect for your cloud storage. After you’ve sav ed the file on your internal drive you can go to File>Trimble Connect>Publish Model to upload a copy of it. You can later open the file from Trimble Connect if you need to. Trimble Connect will automatically create incremental saves of the file.

Back to your corrupted file, see if renaming the .skb file to .skp will allow the backup version to open.

In addition to what Dave has said, some of your paths are to a normal location, but are still in red. I think you have a different user name now.

You can fix those by either deleting the preferences file, which may mean laying out your various panels again, or you can edit the File Locations part of the preferences.

Close SketchUp, then in File Explorer, paste in this path:

%LocalAppData%\SketchUp\SketchUp 2023\SketchUp\

In the folder you are taken to, edit the file PrivatePreferences.json. You can use NotePad to do that. Do a Find for File Locations. In the list of paths look for ones that show a user name of ‘gsil’. Change that to be what your new user name is. Save the file, and reopen SketchUp, then see how many in the list are still red.

Thank you for the speedy reply @DaveR! I no longer have the One Drive active and before the switch I was saving all my work to my DDH, never to One drive, kind of surprises me that these paths go to it as I thought I had pretty much disabled it. I forgot to mention too that I also went from Windows 10 to 11 after the drive died. I had someone do all this for me so it was suggested I do I clean upgrade to windows 11 so had all my files transferred, laptop wiped and windows 11 installed. I wanted to let you know this before I reboot and try out your suggestion.

That all sounds like something is really confused on your computer. Maybe as Colin wrote, somename change or something screwed it up.

@DaveR, so should I still do what you said with the installer?

Yes. you should.

First check that your Windows user name is ‘gisel’ - if you’ve changed it the underlying ‘real’ name might be messing you up.
Check that the paths to the various AppData folders are there as expected.
Next, logon as your preferred user, repair your SketchUp installation by finding its installer exe file - usually in your Downloads folder. Select that installer’s exe file icon and right-click > context-menu > ‘Run as administrator’
When prompted choose ‘Repair’ - it will not affected anything you’ve set up.
Double-clicking the exe to ‘Run’ it is not the same thing, even if you have admin-powers - and leads to all sorts of permission related issues…
Retry SketchUp…
If your Preferences still show up errors in red, then try and reset each one in turn, to a known existing folder path - all on your C: drive.
The Templates one is not editable and must point as show - perhaps suggesting a user-name change issue ?
Forget the OneDrive folders and reset those paths to something not cloud-related - e.g. your user’s normal Documents folder or Desktop.
Is it any better.

okay @DaveR, @colin , so I did the repair on the installer and nothing changed… it looks like my user name was indeed changed to my full name Giselle…I did change all the gisel to Giselle in the PrivatePreferences.json file and no change…still trying to figure out what you mean @TIG “Check that the paths to the various AppData folders are there as expected.”
I apologize if I did things in the wrong order, I didn’t see @TIG’s message till after I tried those things…ugh, I will admit I have become a little overwhelmed but still trying :slight_smile: Also, would I still be in admin mode and is that good or bad?

If you don’t mind SketchUp going back to the default positions of tools, you could delete that PrivatePreferences.json file, then reopen SketchUp. The file locations will get generated based on the current user name.

would that affect the extensions?

It would only affect the locations of the toolbars for the extensions. It wouldn’t require installing the extensions again, though.

This must be done whilst SketchUp is closed, otherwise when SketchUp closes it will overwrite your changes.

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Thank you @DanRathbun, Sketchup was closed :slightly_smiling_face:

@colin that helped half of them :grinning:

The remaining ones are usually pointing to the Documents folder. You could click the pencil icon for each of those, and navigate to the Documents folder. Doing that should make it grab the Admin user name.


@colin what have I done wrong and what am I supposed to do now? Last image seems to say to sign in but wouldn’t I already be signed in?


Help?? :confounded: @DaveR @DanRathbun @TIG

Sign out and then sign back in with your password and email address.

Thank you @DaveR !!! And thank you for this too

You could be using Trimble Connect for your cloud storage. After you’ve sav ed the file on your internal drive you can go to File>Trimble Connect>Publish Model to upload a copy of it. You can later open the file from Trimble Connect if you need to. Trimble Connect will automatically create incremental saves of the file.

Thank you guys, I think everything is pretty much as good as it will get.

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Your local files are fixed now. The signing out and in again was a different issue.