I’m a Production Designer. The ability to use ACT to place real-world cameras into a model of a set is a huge reason I began using Sketch Up. Selecting the camera focal length, image aspect ratio, height, and tilt angle are essential tools used in pre-visualization to determine how much of a set needs to be built.
The frustrum volumes are causing image clipping when looking through the camera (even when frustrum volumes are hidden).
Is this a common problem? Is there a way to fix it? Other than this, the program runs smoothly on my system.
I’ve devised a work-around for setting focal length by calculating a given camera’s Horizontal and Vertical FOV based on it’s sensor/image-plane size and entering that into the normal SU camera. And I can always DRAW the aspect ratio onto images, not so for animations. BUT it would be great if the ACT simply worked without clipping. It would save a lot of time.
I’m hoping someone out there has a solution that allows the use of the ACTs.
I tried to upload one of them (the simpler one) and the file size is too large.
I’m on a Lenovo Y50-70. Running Windows 10. Discreet NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M graphics card. Built for gaming. I haven’t noticed any other rendering lag, but maybe it’s still not quite up to snuff.
I received a reply from another user who says they only get the problem occasionally on more complex models.
I don’t seem to suffer any other rendering problems, though. No clipping with the native SU cam.
Sometimes the video driver can be a cause for clipping. There was a new driver released by Nvidia for your setup on May 9. Try updating the driver , It may help.