How do I move the angle of the three dimensional object I have drawn relative to an adjoining surface? I didn’t realise that the long & tall rectangular prism is not joined to the surface adjacent to it. Do I need to make a group of this rect prism and then use move tool?
You have a correctly aligned piece on the other side of the cabinet. You could just made a component of that and copy it to the left side. It makes sense to make components of the different parts of your woodwork, and use instances of the same components for identical items–like your shelves. They are all the same component I assume. Thereafter you can apply the same modifications to all once.
To rotate the other geometry I would first want to see if it is rotated square to your model axes. If you can manipulate it without affecting the other geometry ( the rest should all be grouped anyway), rotate it to the model axis. if you reference an edge with the rotate tool, it should snap to the respective model axis cardinal direction as you rotate. Then make a component and the axes of the component will relate to the direction of the edges.
Then if the rest of the cabinet is aligned to the model axes (it would make sense to do so), you can move the piece into place.
You mention using the move tool. The rotate tool is better tool to use in this case. it would allow you to accurately rotate to the rest of the cabinet or rotate to the model axes. It can be used on raw geometry as well as a component or group.
Thank you, I ended up making a group (or component, can’t remember) of the correctly aligned joinery piece on the other side of the shelves and copying it over to the side which had the incorrectly aligned object.
I think the problem I had when trying to rotate it to the model axes was that it wasn’t grouped or made a component … shameful, I know.
Out of curiosity, why were you rotating the fame frame stile at all?
By the way, you should fix the reversed faces. No blue back faces should be visible.
I actually did not know the geometry was even rotated, I have no idea how that happened.
What do you mean by fixing the reversed faces?
ON another note, can you help me understand how to “fill in” the side of the object which I am trying to place at the top of the rectangular prism which was originally rotated? See screenshot
Faces in SU have a front (white by default) and a back (blue-gray by default). You should always have white faces facing ‘out’.
Click on any blue-gray face and R-click Reverse faces to bring the white side facing out.
That object face is probably not filling
You haven’t drawn an edge along the bottom (an edge that is NOT inside the other group below) OR
because the front edges are not coplanar. As you drew it you probably got one point or more out of plane with the others in which case you can close it by drawing a diagonal edge connecting two endpoints. You can soften that edge to hide it. Or you can try drawing it again, being careful to keep the front edges and points coplanar.
Make it a group and study with the rest of the model hidden.
Thanks, indeed I had not drawn the bottom edge. All sorted now.